Friday, May 9, 2008


International Conference on Infrastructure Development (InCID) was a conference organized by Kuala Lumpur Infrastructure University College. This two days event was one of the program planned in conjunction with their 10th Anniversary celebration. Themed “Ensuring Sustainable Nation Building for The 21st Century and Beyond” this international conference focused on the importance of sustainable nation building in various fields.

For those of you know me well, I’m sure it is lingering in your mind, why is a communication student involved in an Infrastructure Seminar? That’s precisely what all the 10 communication students who attended the seminar had in mind. We had our briefing on Monday, and the tentative program of the seminar was given, and all I could do is, nod my head and say, I’m going to waste my time over there. True enough I didn’t gain any valuable experience other then getting closer with my friends who participated.

To justify why I said that this conference wasn’t my ball game, tell me how you expect a communication student to understand and enjoy topics like “land development and technical difficulties”, Fatigue Performance Analysis of Flat Steel Box Girders” and many other ridiculous papers to my eyes and ears was presented. So how can I be wrong by saying this seminar was hopeless to me?

As for the management of my college that made it compulsory for selected students to attend regardless of your course background, I only have one thing so say- “ Thank you for giving me the chance to experience a seminar that to me was a FAILURE.”. Not many participants, hall filled with the college staff, forcing your own student to attend the conference to fill in the empty chair, forcing all lecturers’s to attend the opening ceremony.

The wise saying, “experience it the word every man gives for the mistake he has done”. I’m positive that our management will say it’s a learning experience. I would like to challenge the management, till when are you all going to keep saying that you are learning?

Stop wasting money on things that you know its beyond your capability to organize, instead, channel the fund for student project’s, and support student projects in college.

Despite the boredom that I had, my course mate’s and I enjoyed taking picture’s. Here are some of them for your pleasure of viewing…

The Machos..

Fasha and I....

Presenting on my topic.
The 'Uncle and Auntie's...'
Trying to concentrate during the conference...

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Parliament sessions on TV

Parliament sessions telecasted live on tv – that was the headline few weeks ago. The statement or move by the government took a bump last week when the first ever live telecast brought more negative then positive feedback.

“ Bigfoot, Big Monkey” were some of the words uttered by our MP’s. Many say is immoral, rude, wrong influence and so on. Critics also says that this is a wrong example of Malaysian. The very next day, our Information minister, Datuk Shabery Cheek said that his ministry will review the decision to telecast the parliament session as there are many complains.

Point to ponder, were Malaysians ignorant for the past 50 years that they didn’t know their MP’s attitude ? I still remember watching Parlimen hari ini on RTM1 at 11.30pm on weekdays. A short review on what happened during the sessions, and since then, the MP’s have been like that. So why now make it such an issues saying that its not proper to telecast it?

The Parliament never once had more then 18 MP’s on the opposition bench, and this session, we have 80 plus. Does this prove us that our former leaders were in their comfort zone all the while so much so what the oppositions said wasn’t taken into consideration?

Are our current leaders who are sitting in the parliament is finding it difficult to face 80 faces who is always on alert to shoot them?

The credibility of our MP’s is questionable now. I feel that our ruling government is finding it difficult to answer all the questions, and failing to answer those questions from the opposition bench, it will only bring their dignity and pride down. I would personally say that the opposition bench now has more learned MP’s compared to the ruling government’s side.

Personally, the sessions should go on as planned, let the rakyat know their representative well, let them know how good are they as that will only benefit the rakyat in deciding who to vote in the 13th general election.

To the BN MP’s try hard to refrain yourself from your harsh words, and to the BA MP’s, all the best in showing the rakyat what are you all made of.

Blogging World.

After many year’s of reading and condemning people’s blog, I finally decided to start blogging. No specific reason to why I started now and not before. My fellow good friend, Ms.Jessica Kan is the one who always inspires me to blog and I always refused, but as the saying, time changes people, now I have begun.

Naming my blog was the first obstacle that I had, I couldn’t name what I planned, so I had to choose another, and thanks for my friend Ms.Jalwati a.k.a cendol, she gave me an alternative which I thought was cool..

About me, known as Nambee to many, im currently persuing my Diploma in Corporate Communication at Kuala Lumpur Infrastructure University College(KLIUC).

Born on 12th Jan 1988, the eldest among 3. Hope to be in the political arena in future. Love’s to serve the community. Enjoy hanging out with friend, surfing the web and chatting as well.

That’s all for this introduction post.

Cheers !!